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(00 591 2) 2110940


Module: Esoteric

Duration: 4 days

Period: All year round

Private service


Arrival at El Alto International Airport, reception and transfer to the hotel. Rest of the day at leisure.

Day 02 - La Paz

Breakfast. City tour (3 ½ hours). We will visit the most important and interesting places in the city such as: the colonial area and museums, the main square, the cathedral, the government palace and the legislative palace, the Killi Killi viewpoint, the replica of one of the temples of the Tiwanakota culture, the indigenous markets, San Francisco Church, purchase of typical and folkloric crafts, the residential area of ​​the city, and the Valley of the Moon.

Afterwards we will visit the COCA LEAF MARKET and the sorcerers, where we will be able to appreciate the AYMARA MYSTICAL WORLD, the preparation of different offerings that the Aymara priests carry out for the gods Sun, Moon and Pachamama etc. We will also be able to participate in the reading of the coca leaves in which the Yatiris can foresee their future. Return to the hotel, rest of the day free.


Departure from La Paz to Tiwanaku, located 72 km away. During the trip we will stop in the town of LAJA where the city of La Paz was originally founded on October 20, 1548, then we will stop at the Llo'ko Llo'ko viewpoint at 4,028 meters above sea level where we will perform a sacred ritual for Mother Earth or Pachamama, offering the sacred coca leaf. Then we will continue our visit to the TIWANAKU Archaeological Center (Cultural Heritage of Humanity) where we will participate with an Aymara Priest in the Kalasasaya temple, dedicated to the Sun; It is important to indicate that this temple is considered one of the most important, because it has a great source of telluric energy that allows to carry out REGRESSION CEREMONIES: later, we will visit the PUTUNI temples; AKAPANA, the semi-subterranean Temple, the Lithic Museum (where the Bennett Monolith is located) Ceramics and Metallurgy. Lunch, trip to Copacabana, during the day we will be able to appreciate the Sacred Lake of the Incas, Lake Titicaca, at 3810 meters above sea level. Arrival in Copacabana, accommodation and dinner.


Breakfast. Departure to Calvario to participate in the ceremony of gratitude to Lake Titicaca, KARPAY; or fertility ritual for couples. Afterwards, visit the Basilica of the Virgin of Copacabana, then we will visit the ISLA del SOL on a Catamaran, visit the Temple of Pilcocaina, Yumani and the Eco Andino museum (offering ceremony). Lunch in Copacabana. Return to La Paz or continue the trip to Puno - Peru.


- Specialized guide.

- Food, meals mentioned.

- Transport.

- 2/3 star hotels with breakfast.

- Tickets to cultural sites.


- Individual Team.

- Mandatory individual insurance.

- Meals (free, $4 to $7 per person/meal)

- Drinks, tips.

NOTE: The hotels mentioned are indicated subject to availability at the time of booking the tour.

In case of unavailability, hotels of the same category will be proposed. Please note that, for identical categories, the quality of hotels in Bolivia is often lower than that found in Europe or other countries.

IMPORTANT: As a security measure, each traveler will carry photocopies of their passport and individual insurance (to be delivered to us in La Paz upon arrival).