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1.098.581  km2.


The population of Bolivia is 8 million. About 70% of these total are Indian (basically Aymaras and Quechua), 25% mestizos (mixed Spanish/Indian stock) and 5% white people of European origin.

Official languages

Spanish, Aymara, Quechua and Guarani.

Political regime

Democratic. Although it had a tumultuous past marked by the dictatorships in Latin America, Bolivia lives after 1981 a stable democracy.


Our vocation is that of guiding you along adventure circuits far off the beaten track. However, some of our activities (rafting or difficult ascents) demand the fulfilment of certain security norms. You will be accompanied by specialized guides and you will have good quality equipment.

Few robbery or security problems (comparable to that of a small city in Europe...)

Entrance to the country

Valid passport. An authorization of 30 days of visit is agreed on your arrival. No previous steps are necessary.


Country of gold and silver. Very interesting prices. The craft is magnificent and cheap (weavings, leather, wood, ceramic, musical instruments…)


The trout of Lake Titicaca. The ceviche (sea fish marinated in green lemon). The traditional dishes: salteñas (meat pies), fricassee, chuño (dehydrated potato), chicha (liquor of fermented corn), chairo (chuño soup), saice (minced meat and rice with a spicy sauce)

The best season

From March to November, the days are hot even when the nights can be cold in the Sltiplano. In general, sunny and a clear blue sky.


Sucre and surroundings: warm during the day when the sun shines. A little bit cold during the night (altitude 2100 to 3500 m.a.s.l)

Uyuni Salt Flats: sunny during the day, cold at night (altitude: 4000 m)

Lake Titicaca: sunny during the day, cold at night (altitude: 3850 m)

The aforementioned data is confirmed during the dry station. Anyway, this excludes the so-called "Surazo" (usually in June) a cold wind coming from the south originating in the Antarctic, Tierra de Fuego and Patagonia. During these days, it is possible to have a very cold wind, rain and even snow.


Good acclimatization is necessary to carry out considerable physic activities in the highlands. In general, after two days in La Paz, the effects of altitude stop. Our circuits help progressive acclimatization. Should altitude sickness persist we will put you under the care of specialized doctors of the Bolivian Biology Altitude Institute.


Some of our trips take us into the wilderness. You do not have to be in great shape but it sure helps. Comfort is one of our priorities and you can test it in our selected hotels and campsites.


The Bolivian mainland is 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time.

There is approximately a six-hour time difference with Europe between May and October.