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Module: Trekking/Apolobamba Mountain Range

Duration: 6 days

Period: March to November

Service: Private

This trek takes us to the splendid Apolobamba mountain range, at the territory of the Kallawayas. It is said that they are the last ethnical trace of the landlords of Tiwanaku, which language, the Pukina, they still speak.

The Kallawayas are also and most of all, the last ones to keep the healing secrets of the plants of the Altiplano.

Curva, the village wherefrom this trek starts, is well known for teaching and training the most prestigious autochthonous "medicasters". Then they exert their talents all over the country, while the best ones leave for Peru, Brazil, Argentina or to the most important cities of Bolivia. .                                                                 

The medicasters trek will certainly more than satisfy the most demanding promenader as regards meeting people (miners, medicaster indians...etc) and the large Andean extension. From one end to the other. We shall go across the eastern side of the Apolobamba mountain range, between 4.000 and 5.000 meters height, in a region of difficult access, and consequently rarely visited. Permanently, at the western side of the road there are eternal snows, and to the right deep valleys that break into the Amazonia. We shall install the bivouacs at the verge of small torrents, often at the bottom of the gorges. The beauty of the landscapes and the special atmosphere of the kallawaya lands (frenetic gold fever, indian medicine) will largely compensate the efforts made.


Departure from the hotel at 06:30 on a private 4x4 (only). We shall pass along the mythical Titicaca Lake before going across numerous villages of altiplanic charm. We shall be able to visit the chapels at the villages of Carabuco and Escoma, described as the Bolivian «Sixtines». Then, after a stop for lunch, several gorges and turns lead us to the summit, so we can admire the Apolobamba mountain range and its imposing peak, the Akamani (5.666 m alt.).

At mid afternoon we reach the locality of Charazani, where we can enjoy its hot springs to alleviate our legs (according to the time schedule). After some additional hours in 4x4 from one village to another, we arrive to the small town of Lagunillas (8 hrs road from La Paz).

Lunch on our way (included). All included. We spend the night in the comfortable lodging at Lagunillas (showers, fire place…).


Difficulty : altitude trek with passage by several gorges between 4.500 and 5.000 meters height (at least two gorges per day). From 5 to 7 hours stroll per day. Good physical condition indispensable.

At about 09:00 hrs, departure from the lodging for a walk towards Curva (3.780 m alt.). The village remains as a most typical site of the region : stone houses, indians in traditional garments (possibility to buy beautiful tissues, traditional garments and ornaments). We shall visit the medicasters' hospital, where practitioners always heal using the plants of the region.

Two hours stroll take us to the site called Jatunpampa, where we shall have our lunch, accompanied by the murmur of the brook nearby, and by an abundant fauna (lamas, viscachas...etc). Our road continues with the ascent of two gorges : the Moyokaka (4.500 m alt.) and the Tambillo (4.700 m alt.) which we shall climb respectively in 2 and 3 hours. In the distance, we see the Royal Mountain Range. We descend during 1h30 to reach the valley where we shall set up our camp (Incacancha, 4.100 m alt.)

Cold meal at noon. All included. Bivouac.


At about 08:00 hrs, departure from our camp for an abrupt ascent of about 2 hours (Mil Curvas gorge, 4.585 m alt.). We arrive to a small altitude lagoon, where the silence of the mountains nearby is superb. We shall have lunch in the valley at the foot of gold mines, at the beginning of the afternoon we shall be engaged with the second gorge of the day (Viscachani gorge, 4.825 m alt.). The summit of the Huayna Sunchulli appears in front of us.

After 1 hour descent, we reach the gold mine «the Virgin of the Rosary» where we can find miners in their environment, and eventually buy some nuggets of the precious metal.

Finally, a promenade at the end of the day by the « pueblo perdido » (lost town) near the mine where the Spaniards built their lodgings to exploit the womb of the mountain : the frenzied history of the gold fever of the Spanish crown.

Cold meal at noon. All included.


From our bivouac, we climb along a steep hill to reach the Sunchulli gorge (4.905 m alt.) in about 2 hours stroll.

A small lagoon appears like a picture before us, at the foot of an imposing snow mountain. Once more, we discover gold searchers attacking the mountain in search of gold nuggets.

A slight descent, and it's time for lunch. Early in the afternoon, 2 hours stroll lead us to the Koppe gorge (4.930 m alt.) where we shall be delighted with the lunar landscapes of the valley of Azanjoce. A superb panorama of the Andes.

We shall be fulfilling our stage for the day (Pauchi Cocho camp, 3.700 m alt.) after a rash descent (2 hours from the last gorge).

Cold meal at noon. All included.


Three successive gorges (Pichuara 4.370 m alt. / Quimza Cruz 4.550 m alt. / Pelechuco 4.700 m alt.) are in our today's program.

We descend to the valley of Hilo Hilo river to start a nearly 5 hours ascent, at the end of which we shall attain the culminating point of the day (the Pelechuco gorge). We go across picturesque villages with small huts that have straw roofs and, if we are lucky, we shall perhaps see the flight of the famous condor of the Andes above our heads.

After a long descent towards Pelechuco (2 hours), now we can see the imposing Katantica. With its 5.560 meters height, it dominates the valley wherein we penetrate. Arrival to Pelechuco at the end of the afternoon.

Cold meal at noon. All included. We spend the night in Pelechuco (reduced comfort).


Departure from Pelechuco at 08:00 for our return on a private 4x4 to La Paz, passing by the National Park of Ulla-Ulla and the Cololo lake (9 hrs journey).

We shall appreciate the fauna and specially hundreds of vicugnas, lamas and other camelides.

Lunch on our way (included) and free dinner. Hotel


-          Trekking  Guide

-          Transport

-          Cook

-          Meal

-          Hotels, night in the house of villager

-          Equipment for trekking (tents, mattress,  etc.)

-          Porters

-          Entrance to parks and cultural places


-          Individual equipment

-          Obligatory individual insurance

-          Free meals

On request: conditions of sales / equipment list and general information about Bolivia.

Note: Hotels are given as indication under condition of availability when the tour is confirmed.

In case of non-availability, a hotel of the same category will be booked. Warning, the hotels’ ranking category does not correspond to Europe rankings.

Important: As a security measure, please bring photocopies of passport and individual insurance (obligatory, to hand over to us when you arrive).