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Module: Culture and Trekking

Duration: 3 days

Period: All year round

Service: Private

A visit to the cradle of the oldest Amerindian civilizations in the continent. Place of events and great historical facts, Lake Titicaca has always piqued the fascination of both travelers and the conquistadors of old. Land of legends still alive, this mythical place evokes our childhood dreams.

To the west, Peru and its mysteries, to the east, the Real Mountain range, an impassable barrier formed by a snowy and uninterrupted chain of peaks of more than 6000 m.a.s.l. In this place, the sky is anintense blue and the light reflected on the sacred waters is blinding. Our fishing boat is driven by the whim of the wind to the Island of the Sun, a place in which, according to mythology, the gods placed their son, the first Inca. A stairway will lead us to ruins that belong to another time, the temple of Pilkokaina. After this, we will visit the temple of the Virgins on the Island of the Moon.

A fascinating trip in which beliefs and legends share the same space.


Departure from La Paz in the morning in private transport to the archaeological site of Tiwanaku (1h). Guided visit through these pre-Columbian vestiges which are considered to be amongst the most important of the continent.

Later on, we skirt Lake Titicaca and the Real Mountain range in order to go to the village of Copacabana. Visit the more interesting places in the village: la horca del Inca, the cathedral…

Ascent of the Stations of the Cross to contemplate a magnificent sunset.



Departure from La Paz at 7:00 in private transport. We skirt the lake Titicaca and the Real Mountain before arriving to the village of Copacabana. From there, a motor boat will take us to the north side of the Isla del Sol (the Sun Island), the Inca ruins of Chincana (3h) From the ruins of Chincana, we begin the trek that, following the crests, will take us to the south side of the Island where we will find the Inca vestiges of Pilkokaina and the so-called Source of the Inca (Approximately 5h walking)

Cold lunch. Night in María's and Ismael's house (limited comfort)

Note : A private boat will be at our disposal for 2 days to transport the group and the backpacks during the walk.


Short trip in a motor boat till the peninsula of Yampupata (20 mins) Walk along the peninsula until the village of Copacabana. Along the way, we will go through the villages of Zampaya and Santa Ana (about 5 to 6 hours)

Cold lunch. Hotel.


-          Trekking  Guide

-          Transport

-          Cook

-          Meal

-          Hotels, night in the house of villager

-          Equipment for trekking (tents, mattress,  etc.)

-          Porters

-          Entrance to parks and cultural places


-          Individual equipment

-          Obligatory individual insurance

-          Free meals

On request: conditions of sales / equipment list and general information about Bolivia.

Note: Hotels are given as indication under condition of availability when the tour is confirmed.

In case of non-availability, a hotel of the same category will be booked. Warning, the hotels’ ranking category does not correspond to Europe rankings.

Important: As a security measure, please bring photocopies of passport and individual insurance (obligatory, to hand over to us when you arrive).