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(00 591 2) 2110940


Module: Climbing

Duration: 8 days

Period: From March to November

Service: Private

The National Park Sajama, located in the frontier with Chile, is one of the most spectacular centers in this country and they meet in him volcanos and geothermal sources, legends and even alive traditions. 

From La Paz, we go into in the highland furrowing lands Urus through which we will discover the calls “chullpas” (mortuary monuments of the indigenous Chipayas). It waits for us then the town aymara of Sajama, field of base ideal to attempt ascensions of long encouragement. The prize to our efforts: the sources of waters thermal, true natural pools that comfort soul and body. 


Departure from the hotel at 09:00 o'clock in private transport. We cross the highland until arriving to the entrance of the National Park of Sajama (4h approximately) via the small town of Curahuara of Carangas. It has a decorated church (perfectly conserved paintings). In road, we will discover chullpas, sepulchres carangas, today in day you empty after the colony. We enter then in the park through a route that will lead us to the village of Tomarapi. The fauna is numerous and varied: Alpaca, vicuñas and ostriches (if the luck smiles us). in short, the flamingos on Huaña Khota's lagoon that we will skirt before recapturing the route that will lead us to the town of Sajama and, later on, to the sources of thermal waters that are to the foot of the volcano. 

Lunch. Everything included. Night in Sajama (limited comfort). 

Day 2: SAJAMA - BASE CAMP PARINACOTA  (5200 m alt.) 

In the morning, trip toward the geysers. This area, particularly active, offers us an unique show of dispersed bubbling bathrooms on some hundreds of square meters. We will also be able to cook a couple of eggs in these boiling and lightly sulfurous waters. 

Then, in 4x4, we leave heading for the field of base of Parinacota: Inkamarka to 4750 meters . 

Encounter with the team of our carriers. 2 hours of walk it allows us to reach the field I base of  Parinacota, to 5200 meters. 

Lunch. Everything included. Camping . 


Degree II/AD, Max 50° - with mountain guide 

Verification of the material. Tentative ascension to  Parinacota and later return to the base camp. 

Without any technical difficulty, ascension without rope and, according to the conditions of the snow, without grampones neither piolet. 6 at 8 hours round trip (variables according to the conditions of the time). Of the base camp, 45 minutes of walk to arrive to the vehicle in Inkamarka. 

At the end of the day, return to the village of Sajama where we will be able to enjoy a bath relaxed in the thermal waters. 

Lunch. Everything included. Night in  Sajama(limit confort). 


In the morning we cross the Chilean-Bolivian frontier. Trip day in 4x4 through the National Park of Lauca (Chile). 

Landscapes lunar and magic towns of an even abundant and very particular fauna: viscachas, vicuñas, ibis, ducks and wild geeses ...A true photographic safari to more than 4000 meters high. 

Lunch. Everything included. Night in Parinacota (limited comfort). 

Day 5: ASCENSION OF THE VOLCÁN SAJAMA / DAY 1 (4800 m alt.) 

Degree II/AD, Max 50° - with mountain guide–via normal 

In the morning, we return to the Parque Sajama to get ready to the ascent. In the afternoon, verification of the material one and then walk of two hours to come closer to the base camp  (with mules). 

Everything included. Camping. 

Day 6: ASCENSION OF THE VOLCÁN SAJAMA / DAY 2 (5450 m alt.) 

Departure very early  in the morning to begin the ascent until the high camp  of the Sajama (5450 m Alt.) with the help of carriers. Five hours of walk among the volcanic rocks. 

Everything included. Lunch. Camping in the snow. 

Day 7: ASCENSION OF THE VOLCÁN SAJAMA / DAY 3 (6540 m alt.) 

We get up at the 4 of the dawn for a tentative of ascension until the summit (approximately 6 to 7 h). they wait for Us later 5 hours of descent until the sources of thermal waters. 

Everything included. Lunch. Night in Sajama (limited comfort). 


In the morning, return to The Peace (3/4h of itinerary) via the small town of Curahuara de Carangas. It has a decorated church (perfectly conserved paintings). In road, we will discover chullpas, sepulchres carangas, today in day you empty after the colony. 

Afternoon free. 

Lunch and dinner free. Hotel.  


-          Mountain  Guide

-          Transport

-          Cook

-          Meal

-          Hotels, night in the house of villager

-          Equipment for mountain (tents, mattress, ropes, etc.)

-          Porters

-          Entrance to parks and cultural places


-          Individual equipment

-          Obligatory individual insurance

-          Free meals

On request: conditions of sales / equipment list and general information about Bolivia.

Note: Hotels are given as indication under condition of availability when the tour is confirmed.

In case of non-availability, a hotel of the same category will be booked. Warning, the hotels’ ranking category does not correspond to Europe rankings.

Important: As a security measure, please bring photocopies of passport and individual insurance (obligatory, to hand over to us when you arrive).